Source code for freesia.session

This module implements the cookie based async session.
from collections import abc
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import MutableMapping, Callable

from aiohttp.web import BaseRequest
from aiohttp import web

from .utils import asy_json_dump, asy_json_load, Response
from .app import Freesia

[docs]class Session(abc.MutableMapping): """ A dict like object to represent the session attribute. """ def __init__(self, data: MutableMapping = None, max_age: float = None): self._mapping = {} self._modified = False self._accessed = False self._new = True if data: for k, v in data.items(): self._mapping[k] = v @property def modified(self): return self._modified @property def new(self): return self._new @property def accessed(self): return self._accessed def _get_session_data(self): return self._mapping def __delitem__(self, key): self._modified = True del self._mapping[key] def __getitem__(self, item): self._accessed = True return self._mapping[item] def __iter__(self): return iter(self._mapping) def __setitem__(self, key, value): self._modified = self._accessed = True self._mapping[key] = value def __len__(self): return len(self._mapping)
[docs]class SessionInterface(ABC): """ Abstract session interface. Inherit this class and implement the :func:`SessionInterface.load_session` and :func:`SessionInterface.save_session`. """ def __init__(self, *, cookie_name: str = "FREESIA_SESSION", domain: str = None, max_age: float = None, path: str = "/", secure: bool = False, httponly: bool = True, json_encoder: Callable = asy_json_dump, json_decoder: Callable = asy_json_load): self._cookie_name = cookie_name self._cookie_params = dict(domain=domain, max_age=max_age, path=path, secure=secure, httponly=httponly) self.max_age = max_age self.json_encoder = json_encoder self.json_decoder = json_decoder @property def cookie_name(self): return self._cookie_name @property def cookie_params(self): return self._cookie_params async def new_session(self): return Session() @abstractmethod async def load_session(self, request: BaseRequest): pass @abstractmethod async def save_session(self, request: BaseRequest, resposne: Response, session: Session): pass
[docs]class SimpleCookieSession(SessionInterface): """ Simple cookie session. """ def __init__(self, *, cookie_name: str = "FREESIA_SESSION", domain: str = None, max_age: float = None, path: str = "/", secure: bool = False, httponly: bool = True, json_encoder: Callable = asy_json_dump, json_decoder: Callable = asy_json_load): super().__init__(cookie_name=cookie_name, domain=domain, max_age=max_age, path=path, secure=secure, httponly=httponly, json_encoder=json_encoder, json_decoder=json_decoder) def save_cookie(self, response: Response, data) -> None: param = self._cookie_params if not data: response.del_cookie(self.cookie_name, domain=param["domain"], path=param["path"]) else: response.set_cookie(self.cookie_name, data, **param) def load_cookie(self, request: BaseRequest) -> str: return request.cookies.get(self.cookie_name) or "null" async def save_session(self, request: BaseRequest, resposne: Response, session: Session): self.save_cookie(resposne, await self.json_encoder(session._get_session_data())) async def load_session(self, request: BaseRequest) -> Session: return Session(await self.json_decoder(self.load_cookie(request)))
SESSION_KEY = "freesia_session" SESSION_INTERFACE_KEY = "freesia_session_interface"
[docs]async def get_session(request: BaseRequest) -> Session: """ Get session from request. It must be used after call :func:`set_up_session`. """ session = request.get(SESSION_KEY, None) if not isinstance(session, Session): session_interface = request[SESSION_INTERFACE_KEY] if not issubclass(session_interface.__class__, SessionInterface): raise RuntimeError("It seem's that the session interface has not been bounded.") else: session = await session_interface.load_session(request) if not isinstance(session, Session): session = await new_session(request) request[SESSION_KEY] = session return session
[docs]async def new_session(request: BaseRequest) -> Session: """ Build a new session then save in request. It must be used after call :func:`set_up_session`. """ session_interface = request[SESSION_INTERFACE_KEY] if not issubclass(session_interface.__class__, SessionInterface): raise RuntimeError("It seem's that the session interface has not been bounded.") else: session = await session_interface.new_session() if not isinstance(session, Session): raise ValueError("Error session instance.") request[SESSION_KEY] = session return session
[docs]def set_up_session(app: Freesia, session_interface: Callable): """ Setup the session middleware to the app. """ session_interface = session_interface() async def session_middleware(request, handler): request[SESSION_INTERFACE_KEY] = session_interface handle_error = False try: res = await handler() except web.HTTPException as exc: res = exc handle_error = True session = request.get(SESSION_KEY) if session and session.modified: await session_interface.save_session(request, res, session) if handle_error: raise res return res app.use([session_middleware])